Apr 172017


1. Defeat the two Security Guard (Boss Hogs).
2. Rob the tellers. Collect the chests behind each teller’s station.
3. Place the Diamond Chair on the pressure plate located behind the teller stations.
4. Flip the Switch, also behind the teller stations, on the other side.
5. Stand on the pressure plate in front of the door to open it.

Bank Manager’s Office

1. Defeat the Bank Manager (Corrupted Pigsy).
2. Loot the Bookshelves.

Safe Deposit Room

2. Loot the Safe Deposit Boxes (Grand Arcstone Chests).
3. Place the Bookshelves and the Diamond Block on the 2 middle pressure plates.
4. Punch the Pigsy onto the last pressure plate.
5. Loot the chest and leave the room.

The Vault

1. Place a block onto the left pressure plate.
2. Use the extractors on the Diamond Ores.
3. Place a block on the pressure plate behind the Diamond Ores once you have extracted them.
4. Leave the room at the phased door by the Diamond Chair.


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